Welcome to

Wexford Osteopathic Centre

Wexford Osteopathic Centre was founded in 2005 by Philip Jeffares. A dedicated professional team of seven fully qualified, highly experienced, OCI registered Osteopaths, have provided a personal and caring service for 19 years.

However now is the time for change. You may have noticed a For Sale sign on the premises. As of 31st May 2024, the building is sold and Wexford Osteopathic Centre is closed as a Group practice. The Osteopaths will continue to be available in their new individual premises. See the Contact page for all their details.


What is Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment which works with the structure and function of the body. The maintenance of good mechanical function is essential to good health. Problems in the framework of the body can disturb the circulatory system or nerves to any part of the body, and affect any aspect of health. Osteopaths work to restore the structure and function of the body to a state of balance and harmony, so helping the whole person. Osteopathic treatment involves manual techniques including soft tissue stretching and massage, combined with mobilisation and manipulation of the joints. The treatment is effective and conducted with the Patients assistance.

Discover how an osteopath can help you

Pain is a warning signal that something is wrong. It is the body’s natural defence mechanism to alert you to a problem but also it is there to stop you. Look upon it as a red traffic light. But what directly causes pain? More often than not is it the result of localised swelling of tissue which creates pressure on nerves.

Osteopaths diagnose the cause of pain and can do a lot to help reduce the level of your pain and suffering.

Meet the team
Our Osteopaths


As of 31st May 2024, Wexford Osteopathic Centre has moved from the premises in Killeens, Wexford.

Each Osteopath will be working in different locations from 4th June 2024.

PHILIP JEFFARES will be transitioning to working from home. During the transition period (June and July), Philip will be adjusting his schedule to accommodate his new work environment.
Please note:
Philip will not be taking appointments in June and July, but will be available from 20th August 2024. To Check for availability with Philip, please email info@wexost.com from 16th August 2024 onwards.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time of transition.

For future updates, keep an eye on our website www.osteopathswexford.com

Dr. Louisa Boshoff (Aesthetics) will also be relocating her practice.

To make appointments with Kylie, Clare, Brian, Sean and Kieran and Louisa, contact details are as follows:



On behalf of all the Team at Wexford Osteopathic Centre, we sincerely appreciate your continued support. We look forward to serving you in our individual new premises in the future.

All the very best,

Philip & Emma Jeffares